What can I use my Discount Code on?
Percentage (-%) Offer Codes
Discount codes that offer a percentage (-% ) off discount are on a per-item basis and cannot be used on item/s that are marked as On Sale or are already discounted in price. These items will be clearly marked on the store. You can however use percentage (-%) discounts on any item that is not On Sale or discounted in price.
Cash Off (-$) Offer Codes
Fixed cash (-$) off discounts are applied to your purchase total (excl shipping fee), so this cash value will be deducted from your order total and not the item/s itself.
Free Shipping Offer Codes
Free Shipping based coupons are active on any purchase on our store based on the rules set for that particular code. This will be clearly stated when these codes are distributed.
Note: Please note that these rules are subject to change during a special sale period or when a unique code is distributed. If the rules change from the above; this will be clearly stated in the terms of that code on distribution or during the sale period.